
Prophecy Class

On the Second and Fourth Sunday, we hold an elementary class of learning about prophecy after a worship service. 

Today Ms. T. from other church has attended the class for the first time!

I give thanks to the Lord.


The ear doctor saved !

The doctor who has treated Pastor Asano's ears for more than 30 years has recently retired and is now admitted to a nursing home.

Pastor Asano has been praying for the doctor daily for many years.

Today the pastor was given a chance to tell the doctor the gospel; he said he would believe Jesus Christ and prayed to accept Him as the pastor led the prayer.

The doctor appeared surprised to hear about having our sins forgiven by faith in Jesus and receiving eternal life.  

Halleluiah! Praise the Lord !


Service with Israeli Mission Video

We are so happy to have Ms. A. come over again to attend our service again while she is in NY on business.

She looked so encouraged in the service, especially viewing the video of the mission team to Israel. 

We give thanks to the Lord !

(New Year's Service at the Sea of Galilee)

(Testimony of Ms. Kazama healed of cancer)


New Book "The End of the World - What is going to happen from now on - The Bible"

Finally we had some copies of the new book written by Pastor Paul Akimoto, titled Book "The End of the World - What is going to happen from now on - The Bible"(a temporary translation) delivered to us from 

We still got an order request from a sister in Christ from other church.

We are excited to hear the book in the process of being translated into English at a high speed.


Online service member

Sis. M. who is now an online service member came over to attend today's service!

Her husband has driven her to church and she attended the service for the first time in more than six months.

She has been faithfully attending the online services,
but she has commented, saying that she receives more blessing at the live service.


New Year Service

On Nov. 1, 2015, the Israeli team held a new year worship service by the Sea of Galilee.

(We were shown to make the month of November the first month of the year from the Book of Exodus 34 in 2004.)

The words for the new year have been given !

"the word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness." (Luke 3:2)

"Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight."  (Luke 3:4)

(Image from the online service)

In the new year's service at New York Church a message was delivered from Romans 14:7: "for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."


Surgery is over

On Wed. , Oct. 21, Pastor Daniel Asano had an inguinal hernia surgery successfully!

Thank you for all those who prayed for him.


The book "Prophecy - It's reality and use" handed out

I was able to give a sales person a copy of the book "Prophecy - It's reality and use" in English version, written by Paul Akimoto.

His wife was Japanese and we started to talk.

Knowing that we are Christians and the church, he began to ask lots of questions:  which denomination,  the Second coming of Jesus, etc.

He was especially surprised to find our church is charisma pentecostal and showed interested in prophecy, asking questions about it.

So, we gave him a copy of the book "Prophecy," and the church's website address.

We are thankful to the Lord for this opportunity to share.
May His work and blessing be extended further. 


A niece attended the online service

A niece of Pastor Asano's and her husband attended the Sun. morning service held at Pastor Asano's. 
We had a worship service by using the online service of Tokyo Antioch Church, projected on TV screen.

The niece was surprised that praise songs sounded modern and that many young people were attending the service.  She remembered Tokyo Antioch Church she had visited to attend the wedding ceremony of Pastor Asano about five years before.

In a message time, Pastor Asano talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We will continue to pray for her and her husband.


Joined in the Prayer for Peace of Jerusalem Meeting

The first Sunday of October is the day to pray for peace of Jerusalem.  This is the global prayer movement promoted by Rev. Jack Hayford and others.

We participated in the Pray for Peace of Jerusalem meeting sponsored by Tokyo Antioch Church by praying through Skype on live program,
together with pastors and missionaries from Brazil, Czech, Cambodia, and Israel.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
    “May those who love you be secure.
May there be peace within your walls
    and security within your citadels.”           Psalm 122:6-7

Thankfully, we feel a need to pray for peace of Jerusalem more than ever this year.
We'd like to continue to pray for that.


Missionary Visa Approved

The extension of non-immigrant status (R-1) for Pastor Paul Akimoto of Tokyo Antioch Church has been approved!
Praise the Lord!

Now the process of obtaining a missionary visa at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo will begin.

Please pray for that so Pastor Akimoto and the next mission team will be sent to the U.S. in God's time.


Original Songs from "Sound of Wind" have been used

Sister T. from another church shared a story like this when I talked with her on the phone. 

A Christian friend of T-san's didn't sound well, so T-san asked her if she sang praises recently.

Then, T-san sang a song from "Sound of Wind," Original Gospel Songbook No.2 over the phone, telling her that the lyrics of this song was very nice.

Hearing the song, her friend got in better spirit right away and they sang praises together, she said.

Praise songs from "Sound of Wind"  have been used to touch people.
Praise the Lord.


Another Work of Salvation

Pastor & Mrs. Asano returned NY from Japan on the midnight of Fri. Aug. 14th.
with lots of blessings 

The last day of their stay in Japan, the mother of Naoko Asano believed Jesus and prayed with Pastor Daniel Asano !

Although we had invited her to come to join in Hakuba camp, annual Christian gathering and Gospel Live Concert, she didn't come to either of them, partly because she was under the weather.  
However, on the last morning of our stay, God gave us an opportunity to bring her some testimonies and then Pastor Asano told her about the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
Naoko's mother said she would believe Jesus, and prayed to accept Him, led by Pastor Asano.

We praise the Lord for that from the bottom of our hearts, 
and give thanks to many who prayed for her.
We'd appreciate it if you would continue to pray for her so she would grow in faith.

The view of NYC from the flight


Salvation at Fukushima

An old friend of Pastor Daniel Asano had his house washed away when the great earthquake hit Tohoku region on March 11, 2011.
Pastor Asano had been praying that he could meet him while he was returning Japan.

Pastor Asano got to know the contact number of his friend and went to see him at Iwaki-shi, Fukushima.

The house of his friend's used to stand near the poll at the right hand side of the photo above.

Pastor Asano was able to tell him about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
He was listening to the message seriously to the end and believed Jesus Christ.

Praise the Lord!!


Blessing Received at Hakuba Camp

We were able to receive a lot of  blessings at Hakuba Camp.

We confirmed the word given to our flock: "Revival has begun"  in the deep presence of the Lord at Camp.

Thank you for your prayers.


Temporary Return to Japan

By the Lord's grace, Pastor & Mrs. Asano are returning to Japan from July 21 through August 14.

The main purpose of their stay in Japan is to participate in Hakuba camp, annual summer event of TLCCC held at Hakuba, Nagano-prefecture.
They are also going to spend some time with their family members at their parent's home while praying for unsaved members; and they need to take a thorough physical checkup, etc.

Please pray that they could do the Lord's will and complete everything to do while in Japan.