
Mother and her son have come back

A mother and her son who came to our church about a year ago have come to attend our service again.
She came to our church to seek healing for her son on a mental side. 
She was surprised to find that her son had been sitting still the whole time of a worship service, and left the church saying that they would come again.
Now nearly one year has passed since then.

As a matter of fact, she says she was away from church for many days,
but this spring when she returned to Japan for a short period of time,
she went to church in the neighborhood.
When she returned to the U.S. , amazingly she saw her son being normal.
Because of that, she came back to attend the service. 
Praise the Lord!

After the service, we were able to pray together since they have had several problems.

I have renewed our mission of sharing the blessing of giving thanks, exercising faith, abiding in the church,etc.
I'd like to continue to pray for that.


Visiting Boston, Massachusetts

We have visited an aunt of ours who lives in the suburb of Massachusetts to pray for her healing.
She looked well with a smiling face on all the time when we were with her.
She gladly accepted the prayer Pastor Asano prayed for her.  
We'd like to continue to pray for her with expectancy of the Lord who does only good.

(At the front of State Capital House.   Sorry I can't make this photo vertical. m(_ _)m
Then we headed to Boston to give praise and worship to the Lord.  We did that on a hill of the central park and in front of the State Capital House.
We expect the upcoming work of the church with Jesus Christ as its head and revival work in Boston.